1 - We entertain serious buyer only. 2 - Please complete your payment(FULL PAYMENT) before purchase item(s) and make sure the item(s) is available. 4 - Payment will be forfeited upon cancellation. 5 - Any changes will be made without any notification.
1) Browse through site. 2) Once decided, please fill in the form below. 3) Submit the form. 4) I will check for the stock availability with supplier. 5) I will contact you to inform about the stock availability. If it's available, then you can proceed for the deposit.
Step by Step Guide (HSBC)
Must I have an ATM card / credit card to perform cash deposit? You have the option to deposit with or without card. Without card, you would need to have the account / credit card number that you want to deposit.
Anda tidak perlu mempunyai a/c di HSBC, dengan hanya menggunakan cash deposit machine anda dapat membuat pembayaran to Iman's Collections. Cara²nya adalah: 1. Press 'Enter' 2. Select 'Access without Card' and press 'Enter' 3. Select 'Language' 4. Enter Account Number 5. Insert notes into the slot 4. Confirm amount and press 'Enter' 5. Transaction completed and advice is provided for reference